The Solidarity Distribution of Food (DISA) is a joint project between the parishes of the archpriest of the Sagrada Família, in collaboration with the Social Foundation of the Daughters of Charity so that people and families with financial difficulties can cover their basic food needs. Beneficiaries are referred to the center by a social worker from Cáritas Diocesana or the neighborhood Social Services, who has assessed their situation and determines the duration of the aid.

The center is located at Carrer de Nàpols 171, and is served by volunteers from the various parishes, who want to share the joy of service to others. There are many and various tasks that must be carried out and, therefore, the possibilities of finding an activity that adapts to each person’s own abilities or availability. Those interested can contact us in person or by phone (93 231 39 98, from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. and from 4 p.m. to 7 p.m.).

In addition, the parish has two food collection campaigns, before the summer and Christmas holidays.