
“For the word of God is alive and active” (Heb 4:12), in it the will of the Father has been revealed to us and, for this reason, the Holy Scriptures, read and interpreted in the Tradition of the Church, are the source of knowledge of the history of salvation and of God’s love for humanity.

The Emmaús group takes its name from the disciples of Emmaus who experienced how, in the presence of the resurrected Jesus, their hearts burned within them as he spoke to them along the way and opened the meaning of the Scriptures to them (see Lk 24,31). This group wishes to accompany the faithful in this same process, while helping to understand and deepen the meaning of the readings that will be proclaimed every Sunday. It is led by a parish priest and, with a frank and open dialogue between everyone, it meets on Thursdays from 10:00 to 11:00 a.m. to listen to the Word of God and draw its deepest meaning.